The Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse

Our Auxiliary Officers and Reserve Deputies operate within the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office command structure, with leadership dedicated to helping each member achieve their law enforcement goals—even as volunteers.

Sheriff Brian Heino

Sheriff Brian Heino is the elected Sheriff-Coroner of Flathead County. With over 20 years of law enforcement experience, he began his career with the Sheridan Police Department in Wyoming before returning to Flathead County as a Deputy. Throughout his career, he has served in key leadership roles, including Patrol Sergeant, Search and Rescue Coordinator and Patrol Commander.  Sheriff Heino also previously held the role of Posse Coordinator before being elected Sheriff in 2018.

Corporal Charles Pesola – Sheriff’s Posse Coordinator

Corporal Charles Pesola leads the Sheriff’s Posse, overseeing approximately 30 sworn Reserve Deputies and 25 Auxiliary Officers. With over 15 years of experience in law enforcement and security management, he has served as a patrol deputy, narcotics detection K9 handler, and hostage/crisis negotiator. Charles holds Montana POST certifications as an Advanced Peace Officer, Supervisor, and Instructor.

FCSP Leadership

The Flathead County Sheriff’s Posse operates under a structured command system led by five Captains, all of whom are unpaid volunteers reporting to the Sheriff Coordinator.

Posse members are assigned to teams, each managed by a Captain who oversees their operations. The Captains meet monthly to discuss organizational needs, including operations, personnel, and training. They are responsible for scheduling events, managing member assignments, coordinating emergency callouts, and handling the day-to-day operations of the Posse to ensure efficiency and readiness.